They could say the same about me, I'm addicted to THIS site, is it wrong that I'm setting my alarm a bit earlier so I can check what's new on here first thing?
disposable hero of hypocrisy
JoinedPosts by disposable hero of hypocrisy
27 madness
by Gorbatchov inmore and more special campain pictures made by the r&f flush over the internet.. it's crazy how this madness becomes a phallus inside the witness world.. observing it from some distance, it is clear: is the central theme of the current witness beliefs.
every step they make, is for promoting
when they speak, they only speak about
Post some niceness ! There is too much negativity in the world.
by new hope and happiness inso here we are on a niceness thread talking about nice things.. yesterday a very pretty girl left her mobile behind at the computer in the libary, i returned it to her and she gave me a hug.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Check out my thread "the good news thread". And feel free to add to it...
I agree, too much negativity. I don't think it's burying one's head in the sand to point out the good things now and then, it seems only the bad news actually makes the news..
Quick, answer this question: What was the meaning behind: MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE?
by Terry inpay attention to what you are told, and how it is presented.. what is the actual message being communicated?
what is the intention behind it?.
this 128-page book millions now living will never die, was placed with the people on a contribution of 25c a copy.. .
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Sorry to hijack, but where /when did Rutherford say he'd made an ass out of himself, and is it a source you could quote to another witness without coming over all apostate!?
How have you changed since finding TTATT ?
by Phizzy inon coftys thread about his former pastor trying to re-convert him, which is very long but a tremendous discussion of the problem of evil, a poster, sunny23, wrote :.
" having been 7 months since i first posted on the first page of this topic i have just read those posts and acknowledged a huge transfromation in myself for the better."..
i was only thinking the other day how, as i discovered this site and ttatt, i really changed as a person in so many ways, and i think mainly for the better.. i have been "born again" !!.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Might I echo what dis-member said above. Absolutely right in my case too. Although I still have a fair bit of angst about whether/when/how to have THE conversation with the missus..
by Onager ini've made a few posts here already so i thought i'd introduce myself.
i'm an ex-jw from cheltenham pittville (uk) congregation.
i've been free and clear for a few years now so i'm through the anger phase and in the happily getting on with my life phase.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Welcome matey, we'll done for escaping, (a move I have yet to accomplish...)
A new member
by LP97 ini'm a 17 year old from scotland.
can i just say this site is absolutely brilliant.
finally found people with open minds and free thought that doesn't just consist of "well the wt told me this so it must be right".. my story is that i'm just like any other child of a jw...brought up into a life of indoctrination where "the world's" thinking is automatically wrong.. that is until i was 14 - a light turned on in my head.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Wow well done matey, it took me 40 years of going thorough the motions before I woke up, you have a full LIFE in front of you now, congratulations!
the insanity of Sam herds talks at the convention
by purrpurr ini've picked up two that stood out to me but i'm sure others will have noticed more:.
he gave an illustration about fearing god and he said it is like a wife who has spent all day preparing the evening meal for her husband and she hears him come home and perhaps she is trembling a bit out of fear that he might not like the meal she has cooked for him....!!!!!!!!????.
the other was about verbal abuse and how it should not be used but rather than site the effect it has or the forms it can take he said that we shouldn't call each other " dumb dumb" or "knuckle head" .
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Apognophos - this year. Last weekend..
Conversation with 4 elders: A study in smear tactics.
by problemaddict inbucket shop bill has a thread in which they are "counseled" for something, that ends up not even being true.
instead of the elder who made the accusation apologizing to them, they are made to feel like they should appreciate his overexuberence.. it struck me that this is a common tactic.
here is a story of my own.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
I wishI could reason under pressure and think on my feet, well done!
Sept 1 service meeting mystery revealed
by Saltheart Foamfollower inthe letter has appeared at last - just for uk.
it is a money grab for the new bethel which has been approved.
there is a video to be shown - just watched it - brief summary of uk bethels, why current one is too small, why we need money to build a new one.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Ahh thanks for posting. We might get this tomorrow night then. Gonna have to dig out the old Russell quote "we will never solicit funds"..
Smiling at a Disfellowshipped JW instead of Completely Ignoring him
by ProfCNJ ini was driving our car going to our assigned territory for our sunday field minsitry (was with jw 2 sisters) when i saw a disfellowshipped jw riding his motorcycle heading towards us.
the guy was df'd around 2 months ago only (won't delve much on his case).
approximately about 10 meters, we saw him smile.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Devil's advocate here, I read an account where a df'd person said they hated it when people tried to smile or talk to them, as they were desperately trying to be reinstated and didn't want ANYTHING to hinder that. Being seen talking to a member of the congregation could've shown a contemptuous attitude for the df'ing arrangement.
jus' sayin'.